A special moment in the life of our club, when we have as our guest speaker - Mark Lane who is the Mayor of City of Whitehorse
Mark updated us on the new representational structure of the Council, there are now 11 wards with one elected councillor for each ward. Mark represents Mahoneys Ward but was here today as Mayor to speak about current and recently completed Council projects. Mark has previously served our City as Mayor in 2012.
Cr Lane covered a number of major projects in our City which have summarised here with links to web pages where more information can be found.
The Round - Whitehorse Performing Arts Centre
- Replacing the old performing arts building
- 600 seat theatre
- 200 seat conference facilities with catering
- Outdoor amphitheatre as well as indoor
- Soft opening in August 2023, launch in October 2023
- Cost $70 million
(https://www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/about-council/major-projects-and-works/whitehorse-performing-arts-centre-redevelopment )
Morack Public Golf Club Redevelopment
- New facilities for golfers
- To include a designer mini-golf course
- 30 bay driving range
- $16 to play nine holes mid-week
- Cost $12 million
(https://www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/about-council/major-projects-and-works/morack-golf-redevelopment )
Sportlink Redevelopment
- Vermont South
- To cater for badminton, netball, basketball, foosball, pickleball
- Scheduled to open in April 2023
- Rebuilding raised to meet new fire standards, new roof and playting surfaces
- Cost $7 million

- Local cricket club and Heathmont Jets Jr Footy Club
- Scheduled to open Friday 24 February 2023
- Funding from both Commonwealth and State governments (as in many of these projects)
- Cost $2.2 million
- Mullum Mullum Creek
- Work on Nature Reserve Information Centre now completed after updating and refurbishment
- Council reviewing current policy that there was to be a park/greenspace within 400m of residential areas and every park was to have a play space of some type
- This playground has been upgraded with modern play equipment replacing the older style
- Lakeside viewing platform (northeast end of the Lake trail)
- New surface material incorporates recycled plastic but does not shed plastic particles into the environment
Cr Lane, also provided and update on the festivals seasons - events that have been held back during the last two years and are now being reintroduced to our community. Following on from the Spring Festival, Carols and the Australia Day event which were held at the Community Hub/Tunstall Park in Nunawading while we await the completion of The Round (see above), there will be:
- Harmony Day Concert, 19 March, Strathdon House and Orchard Precinct, 449-465 Springvale Rd, Forest Hill ·
- Moonlight Movies, Puss & Boots, 6 April, 7pm, Box Hill Gardens · (https://www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/things-do/festivals-and-events/moonlight-movie-night )
Community Engagement
In 2022 Council undertook 81 community consultations and received 8,276 pieces of feedback
Currently there is an consultation available on Managing dogs in parks and reserves. Other consultations recently completed include,
- Residential parking permits
- Waste service charge
- Open space strategy
- Domestic animal plan
- Sportsground signage