The opportunities of Rotary International Convention and Asian Pacific Regional Rotaract Convention

Matthew has been a part of the Rotaract Club of Whitehorse since 2021. During this time he has served as co-President sincer the beginning of the 2022- 2023 year... Never having volunteered or led much before Rotaract, membership of the organisation has provided the opportunity to learn the necessary skills to lead and inspire. In 2023, Matthew completed RYLA, which was a valuable experience to his learning.
Matthew completed his secondary education In 2018 at Koonung Secondary College and enrolled in a Bachelor of Biomedical Science at Monash. He graduated in 2021. A short exposure to radiation therapy, deciding that this was not his future, Matthew is now studying a Masters of Environment and Sustainability at Monash. He has a keen interest in environmental studies, animal welfare and humanitarian work.