I would like to respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land, which might be different depending on where you are connecting from today. For me, it is the Wurundjeri-Woiwurrung people of the Kulin nation. I pay my respects to their ancestors and elders, past, present and emerging, and any Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with us here today.
President Julian Badenach
Welcome back to Don Sweeney from his 8 weeks travelling overseas and welcome to Geoff Rose who is travelling in Canada and sharing a screen in Wendy’s home for this morning’s meeting.
The GFB went extremely well and ran perfectly to plan. Our guest speaker Justin Madden gave an entertaining speech as did Layne Stretton from SALT. We raised almost exactly $5000 after costs.
Rotary International Congress (RICON) in May 2023 - At the Board meeting last week it was decided the Club would opt to go for a dinner in the CBD to take advantage of the $55 funding per delegate which will cover the entire cost per guest. The alternatives (Kew Golf Club and MCC at MCG were attractive options however the cost per guest was way above the allowance provided by RICON and the shortfall was too great for our Club to tackle.
Wendy Zhang has begun circulating using ClubRunner. Please be patient with the process whilst we all work our way through the new technology. If anyone would be interested in helping with the ClubRunner project we really need a couple of extra helpers to get the website content up to speed. It would be a great way to learn more about the club and its projects. Big thank you to Wendy and Stephen for their efforts and success so far.
The Zone 8 Regionalisation vote occurred last weekend and our club’s yes vote was duly lodged.
Other Notice
John Elrington advised about a webinar series on the Circular Economy. The next webinar on Oct 10th features an environmental speaker from the Fitzroy Community Battery Scheme.
Greg Cooper RR update, one extra volunteer and Brian McP – shout out for volunteers still needed.
Craig Hoath provided a heads up of Bunnings BBQ before Xmas – date to be notified.
Don Sweeney made an apology for any inadvertent dropping of Rotary business whilst away on his recent holiday. Don provided a reflection on the Grand Final breakfast in his year as President when the speaker didn’t turn up and Dave Burt attending as a private citizen, stepped up to be the morning’s speaker and provided a moving insight into the experience of sporting clubs who were being impacted by suicide and young players experiencing mental health challenges and the genesis of SALT in response. This hailed the beginning of the RCBHC partnership and long-term support of SALT.
Olive Aumann reminded club members about the upcoming social outing to the play The History Boys at the 1812 theatre in Fern Tree Gully for the 4pm matinee on Oct 9th. Request for those attending to let Olive know. Include link from previous Bulletin
Stephen Fisher echoed President Julian’s request for club member support for our new Club Runner website. Stephen particularly asked for historical club material related to past activities, projects, members and general stories of interest. He also provided context that the website will focus on club history and information updates and Facebook will continue to provide the immediate day to day posts and update about club and member activities.
Polio Eradication - A Rotary Foundation Project
- by Stephen Fisher
Our Rotary International calendar has dedicated themes to different months of the year – and October is Economic and Community Development.. Our program October, looks the various ways the actions we take, can build our community and the communities in which we operate.
Chair – Our guest speaker this morning is our RCBHC fellow member Stephen Fisher joining us via zoom this morning to speak to us about the Rotary Foundation Polio Eradication project. Stephen has a very well versed with this important project, having been a member for 5 years on the District 9810 Foundation Committee on Polio Eradication (PE).
Recap – what is polio?
Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a paralysing and potentially deadly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5. The virus spreads from person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can then attack the nervous system.
Stephen talked about the history of polio eradication. Beginning in 1988 when there were 350,000 estimated cases of polio in 125 countries and Rotary International and the WHO joined forces to launch the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. In 1995 Rotary Foundation launched the Polio Plus Partners Program providing the enabling environment for Rotary members in polio free countries to provide support to fellow Rotary members in polio affected countries for polio eradication activities, such as vaccination programs. Rotary International has teamed up with many significant partners: WHO, UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CDC Virus Hunter, The Strategist and many Governments of the World. This collaboration has worked successfully over ensuing years to reduce polio in 2022 to 27 cases in only 2 countries Afghanistan and Pakistan where the virus remains endemic.
Stephen explained that the wild polio virus readily spreads and for the vaccine to be effective, significant numbers still need to be vaccinated. Challenge with the 2 remaining countries is their common border of 2000K and many thousands of children move across that border on a daily basis.
To be classed as being polio free, countries need to have zero polio cases for 3 years, and the medical infrastructure to provide effective surveillance. Stephen stressed the importance for continued Rotary focused effort and for the Eradication Program to continue, noting that the Global Polio Eradication Initiative Endgame Strategy 2022-2026 Projected Cost of $US4.8B over 5 years.
Club donation - The Rotary Foundation,BSB – 332084, Account Number – 100345225, Reference – Club name PP, e.g. WANDINPP, Remaining 5 out of 10 opportunities to donate, USD1,000 - - End Polio Now will generate USD9,000
Then tell us how you are making a difference, email your news to Melissa.asanza@rotary.org and sfisher9@bigpond.net.au Telling us will ensure your payment is acknowledged and can be matched with DDF contributions.
World Polio Day
on 24th October
Celebrating Dame Julie Andrews DBE
- By Diane Fisher
Born Julia Elizabeth Wells, on October 1, 1935. The credits to her career are many, however it was in her role as Maria von Trapp, that she won the Gold Globe Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Comedy or Musical.
Many will be aware of the song that is used to teach the children to sing. Starting on the note C – the song Do Re Me, rises one note at a time. What may be new knowledge, is that the song was originally a prayer to John the Baptist written in the early 1000’s and set to music around 1033.
The original poem:.
Ut queant laxis
Resonare fibres
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum
Solve polluti
Labii reatum
Sancte Iohannes
Translates to: O let your servants sing your wonders on, with loosened voice and sinless lips, St John
When set to music the first note was on the first syllable
Ut, Re, Mi, Fa So, La Si.
The problem with Ut, was that it is a short syllable and difficult for the singer to hold. Ut was changed to Do- perhaps for Dominus, but this is unclear. At the end of the sequence was Si - Sancte Iohannes – St John. It is thought that having two lines beginning with the same letter (the letter S) doesn’t work for a rhyme to help remember the poem so Si was changed to Ti.- although the link to St John becomes unclear.
This craftsmanship was the work of a fellow by the name of Guido of Arezzo – a Benedictine monk – also credited with the inventing of the modern process of marking notes for music in the format that we know today., using 5 lines and 4 spaces and a different shaped note for different musical values.
So Do, was not for a deer, nor was Re a drop of golden sun.
The word Ut has all but been consigned to history. The lowest note in the scale was also known as gamma – after the greek letter. This became known as either gamma or ut, with time the whole scale became known as gamma-ut and that is why when you go through the whole scale you still run through the “gamut”
This article has been drawn from two sources: The Illustrated Etymologicon by Mark Forsyth and supplemented with details from Wikipedia.
Circular Economy by Professor Usha Iyer-Raniaga of RMIT.
Greetings from the Rotary Club of Sydney’s Climate Action Group
The online event will be held on Monday 10th October at 5.30pm (AEDT).
A rare opportunity to be in the audience of the play ‘The History Boys’ staring with others the Club’s president elect Reg Ellery at The Lowe Auditorium, 3 Rose Street, Upper Ferntree Gully. Following the stunning performances those attending can dine at the local Italian or India restaurants.
October 9 @ 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
A somewhat unorthodox teacher and his colleagues at a British grammar school try to prepare a group of young charges for the upcoming Oxford and Cambridge entrance exams. The students absorb the facts and figures thrown at them by academia, and in the process, they also learn a little about life
Please join us for an evening dedicated to fun, delicious food and another wonderful art display
presented to you by the Rotary Club of Box Hill Burwood
We are privileged to have the Stroke Association of Vic CEO Paula Theocharides open our show at the Box Hill Town Hall on Wednesday 26th Oct at 6.00pm(Art Preview) followed by Dinner at 7.00pm.
Our proceeds will benefit the Box Hill Hospital Stroke Unit.
Bookings can be made through whitehorseartshow.com.au with a special discount for Rotarans and their Partner.
The Dinner price for Rotarians and their Partner is $80.00 each using the code "special 22" when booking.
Friends and relatives are all welcome, please consider putting together tables of 10 as your support for this entertaining night will be greatly appreciated.
David Ensor
Sanva Saephan
Tim Mason in conversation with Ashley Coleman-Bock
The first in our new approach to meeting the new members of our club, Ashley Coleman-Bock will open the conversation with our three Corporate members, who all work for International Needs Australia and we’ll learn more about each of our members, and more about INA.
Olive Aumann
Brian McPhail
Don Sweeney
Craig Hoath
Gay Morris
Wednesday October 12
Dr Timothy Shue
Yarra Energy Foundation Community Battery
Dr Timothy Shue is the Chief Operating Officer of the Yarra Energy Foundation Community Battery. This program has an environmental accent across the economic impacts of community development.
Malcolm Chiverton
Brian McPhail
Don Sweeney
Craig Hoath
Gay Morris
Wednesday October 19
Dr Rebecca Sheehan
Fight Motor Neurone Disease
Dr. Rebecca Sheehan, has an accomplished record in the area of research into Motor Neurone Disease. We look forward to the presentation of the progress in this field of research, mindful of the links that disease can have on us as a community, and the wide ranging impact, disease can inflict.
Liz Stinson
Brian McPhail
Don Sweeney
Craig Hoath
Gay Morris
Wednesday October 26
Naomi Moraes
Melbourne Spark Engineering Camp
Spark Engineering Camp is a week-long residential camp that empowers Year 10-12 students from under-represented backgrounds in pursuing tertiary education.
It is run solely by university student volunteers who mentor the high school students during the camp
John Malvesestuto
Brian McPhail
Don Sweeney
Craig Hoath
Gay Morris
Thank you Olive Aumann for the great reporting for September!
Volunteers Needed - Rotary Recycle Op Shop
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4pm, Sat 10am to 1pm, Sun closed.
Volunteers are the life blood of Rotary Recycle. If you or someone you know is interested in helping, please get in touch with the manager Annette – 0419 334 216 https://www.rotaryrecycle.com.au/